ch.27 - king Jotham did good in the sight of the LORD, he died his son Ahaz took over ch.28 - king Ahaz did evil and made idols, burnt his children in fire, so GOD delivered him in enemy hand, he died, his son Hezekiah took over ch.29 - Hezekiah rebuilt GOD house, offering animals to the alter, sprinkled their blood ch.30 - Hezekiah continued GOD's work ch.31-32 - king Sennacherib, non-believer came up against him, Hezekiah kept faith and prayed, LORD delivered him over Sennacherib, Hezekiah died, his son Manasseh took over ch.33 - Manasseh king did evil, GOD was angry, had him captured, then he humbled himself and prayed for forgiveness, GOD saved him, he became to fix the wrong he done, he died his son Amon took over, Amon did evil, his servants killed him, his son Josiah took over ch.34 - Josiah king did good in the sight of the LORD ch.35 - Josiah king died ch.36 - Jehoahaz his son took over, more kings came and went doing evil, Cyrus king of Persia was moved by the LORD
CYB 9-13-2019
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