I attended a service at my church called ‘Manly Mondays’,
where the men of the church get together and talk about issues we are having
and discuss personal testimonies. It is a place where men can feel free to talk
about anything on their mind without being judged. I always feel inspired when
I leave one of those meetings after hearing countless testimonies from the
other men. Additionally, I always feel better knowing that I’m not alone, and
that all of us have our own challenges and struggles that we are dealing with.
Therefore, it helps me stay motivated to stay in the fight and continue to push
through my own personal struggles. Congregating with others help fight against
my depression and frustration. We pray together as a whole, knowing
that there's strength in numbers; in additional to our personal prayers we pray in
private. The goal is to leave the meeting a better man than we were before we
came to the meeting. CYB 5-8-2019
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