Matthew, Mark, and Luke speak similar stories about JESUS from their point of view, here's Luke's perspective:
ch.1 - birth of JESUS Christ ch.2 - JESUS growing up ch.4 - enemy tempted JESUS, JESUS healed and preached ch.5 - JESUS called the unrighteous ch.6 - give to and love those who can't repay or who hate you, JESUS spoke about loving your enemies, giving without receiving something in return, don't judge or you will be judged, ch.12 - seek GOD not money ch.13 - v.30 - last shall be 1st, 1st shall be last ch.15 - save one sinner, not 1000 righteous people ch.16 - guy went to hell prayed but it was too late ch.18 - be humble not prideful
CYB 8-5-2019
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